Plant TOUR
Our Factory
Sukhadia’s 40,000 sq ft. production facility is the manufacturing hub for the brand’s Indian sweets, snacks, and food items. The factory employs up to 45 staff members and operates daily.
All products are manufactured in the US and the production is done made to order. Our sweets and snacks are made every few days and sometimes daily, during the busy season to ensure freshness and quality.
The production plant houses state of the art machinery and technology to deliver a consistent product and meet consumer and vendor demand. Our equipment is sourced by the company’s owner and customized to the products’ specifications.
Food Safety
Sukhadia’s is an FDA inspected and approved facility adhering to FSMA (Food Safety Modernization Act) guidelines with two in-house PCQI (Preventative Controls Qualified Individual) members. Certain third-party audits are also conducted for Sukhadias’ corporate clients. All chefs and food handlers are ServSafe certified and executive members are HAACP certified.